Thursday, January 3, 2019     Kirsten McNamee     Local Hamilton Market Statistics

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Take a look at the above chart, Residential Market Activity. We can see how much the average price of a home has changed in the same moth last year. And the hot areas for December are, Hamilton Centre, Hamilton Mountain and Stoney Creek. 


The above map The Average Residential Price by District, is clearly indicating the areas from the Hamilton Bay to the escarpment are continuing to do well (sub areas 20, 23, 42, 46 and 53). The map is also showing the average listing price of a home is in each area for December 2018.


In the above graph All Residential Comparison at a Glance, it indicates to us that some of the major areas within the RAHB market remain isolated to the areas of, Hamilton, Burlington and Haldimand County. And it indicates that in the month of December there has been an increase in the average listing price of a home. 

The report shows a total of 534 sales of residential properties located within the RAHB market area. December 2018 had a 26% lower number of sales than the same month last year. However, the average cost of a home was up by 2.6% to $543, 210. And the year-to-date sales activity was down 17.6% from the same time last year and down 12.2% compared to a decade ago. Also compared to a decade ago, the price of a home is up 90%. 

“December has again proven to be one of the slower months for sales as people were busy celebrating the holidays rather than contemplating a move, but we anticipate market activity will pick up into 2019 as consumer confidence grows after being affected by the provincial and federal regulations introduced over the last two years.” Says RAHB CEO George O’Neill

For more in-depth statistics and additional metrics, please refer to RAHB's REALTORS® RELEASE DECEMBER STATISTICS 

And if you're thinking of selling your home and you want to get a better idea of what it will cost, use our "What's My Home Worth" calculator. You can also get in contact with one of our agents and they will be happy to go over the market stats with you and discuss possible next steps.

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