Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Judy Marsales
General Real Estate Advice

To All Our Customers, Clients and Friends
It has been said that we are living in an unprecedented time. The pandemic - COVID-19 is creating unbelievable challenges for businesses, communities and families. Everything we have taken for granted is changing by the minute. However, we can all get through these difficulties by working together.
Many of us have worked through social/economic challenges before and we will do it again. We will all rise to the challenge once again and come out better, stronger and more united.
During the past few weeks the Judy Marsales Real Estate Ltd family has pulled together to help one another, our customers, clients, community and families. In order to reduce the risk to everyone we work with, our hardworking sales representatives are working for the most part from home or through virtual media. They are here to provide the most up to date real estate information to help and guide you through some of your questions and concerns. As we are fond of saying “Our Knowledge Is Your Power.”
We are happy to speak to you by phone, email or video. The wonderful part of social media is that the technology has provided a great opportunity to stat connected. You can walk through homes by virtual tours, you can set up visual appointments on your computer through Zoom and other apps. You can review all the latest lending data to support your plan without even leaving your current home.
We are here for you during this extraordinary time. We are a community known for its hardworking culture, so I am sure that we will strengthen our communities, our businesses and our friendships during this difficult time. Please stay healthy, stay positive and let’s be there for each other during this long after COVID-19.
With Kindness,
Judy Marsales
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