Patti Smith — Sales Representative

Photo of Patti Smith, Sales Representative - Judy Marsales Real Estate Ltd., Brokerage (Westdale Office)

Westdale Office:
Judy Marsales Real Estate Ltd., Brokerage
986 King St. West,
Hamilton, ON  L8S 1L1

Originally from Toronto, Patti has made Hamilton her home since pursuing an undergraduate degree in Geology from McMaster University. Subsequent to her degree, Patti took pride in working for McMaster University for twenty years. Patti has always had a fondness for older homes and decided to follow her interest and pursued a new career in real estate. Patti is currently enjoying the rewarding process of lovingly restoring and renovating her own century home in West Hamilton. She hopes that this personal experience will contribute both "hands on" knowledge and expertise to potential home buyers who may want to explore the wonder of Hamilton's heritage homes.

Patti has always been an active participant and supporter of the local music scene. She was a member of the Bach Elgar Choir of Hamilton for 18 years and is currently a member of the Grand Philharmonic Choir in Kitchener. Patti shares her passion for music with her love of the great outdoors. She enjoys running in the beauty of the many Hamilton trails and works out as often as time will allow.